Anchor plate for Clevis

מגוון הכבלים שלנו לאדריכלות כולל כבלי נירוסטה בקטרים ​​מ-0.62 מ"מ עד 26 מ"מ בשיטות בנייה שונות

The anchor plates serve as attachment points for the ropes and tension rod system.

The anchor plates are compatible with numerous clevis-ends as well as with the toggle. The compatibility is described in the technical data sheet.

The anchorage must be able to transfer at least the component resistance. This is possible with commer-cially available composite anchors under the following conditions:

Concrete quality C25/30 (cracked), anchor rod A4-70, composite epoxy resin high-performance injection anchor or vinyl ester urethane mortar anchor.

Please refer to the additional information and planning guide in the Forte catalog.

Nr. b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 e k ø d1 ø d2 kg
30818-0003-08 100 100 70 15 70 27 12 8 9 11 0.7090
30818-0003-10 100 100 70 15 70 28 13 10 11 11 0.9100
30818-0003-12 125 120 85 20 80 34 19 12 13 13 1.6700
30818-0003-16 145 120 95 25 70 41 21 15 17 15 2.4600
30818-0003-20 205 150 155 25 100 70 25 20 21 19 5.5800

Labeling according to the technical drawing. The dimensions of the rope fittings are provided in their unswaged state. During the swaging process, the shaft length extends by up to 6 percent. Technical changes are reserved. The information on this website is provided without guarantee of completeness.